Certified Manufacturer
Miami Dade NOA'S

Hurricanes In Florida and Caribbean Islands
Florida has quite a history with hurricanes. Because it is near the tropics and westerly winds blow off the African coasts along the equator, Florida is vulnerable. With some major hurricanes behind us, people are wondering what the next years and decades will bring.
Although some say that we left a rough time behind us, research shows that the worst Florida hurricanes are yet to hit this area. Hurricane experts have been researching the possibilities for future hurricanes based on the statistics taken in the last 100 years.
Hurricanes are very common for the Gulf Coast area and the Atlantic seaboard, but the south-east shore states have experienced some of the most intense hurricanes in the recent few years. From the 2000s and onward, Florida has been hit by some devastating hurricanes that caused huge damage worth millions of dollars, with Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Katrina being two of the strongest in recent years.
Living in Florida, especially in the coastal areas means you have to deal with hurricanes and tropical storms. Hurricanes happen every year in Florida without a break.
Protection in Hurricane Affected Areas
Although the whole territory of Florida is prone to hurricanes, some cities are on major impact lines than the others. Since there is no way to be completely protected from catastrophic hurricanes and storms, it’s a good idea to think of effective ways to protect your home and family.
This can be achieved by investing in high-quality hurricane impact windows and doors as provided by Superhouse hurricane approved windows. Our products are specially designed to provide maximum security from high-level hurricanes, strong winds, and blasting noise. Hurricanes are one of the most damaging things that Mother Nature can throw at people. Of course, it only pertains to those who live on or near the coast. Still, you want to make sure that you’re doing your part. You probably leave when the state officials tell you to do so, but that doesn’t mean your home is protected.
It’s important to have hurricane windows & doors in Florida so that you don’t have to worry as much about flying debris and missile-like projectiles doing significant damage. Also, it’s essential to understand what factors to consider when buying hurricane windows in Florida so that you pick the right ones.

Hurricane Impact Windows & Doors

About Superhouse
Since 2005, Superhouse has been exporting middle and high-end aluminum doors and windows to the United States, including energy-saving thermal-broken windows, residential system windows, commercial system windows. It is proud that our products have received good feedback from the local market in the United States.
In 2017, Superhouse invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop doors and windows that meet the local requirements of Florida. After many tests, we have obtained FPA certification: FL29092, FL29474, FL30906, FL30922, FL30923, FL32506, FL40279, and so on. In 2022, Superhouse took the lead in becoming the first company in China to obtain the Miami Dade NOA certification, which means that our hurricane windows have also obtained the miami dade county approved.
Superhouse Workshop View
Export To Florida & Caribbean Islands
Superhouse has exported impact doors and windows to Florida zones for more than 5 years, and has served customers in more than 10 countries and regions including Florida and the Caribbean countries, which include: Florida, Barbados, Turks and Caicos, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Haiti, Dominica, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, Aruba, Curacao.
Our impact doors and windows to Florida and the Caribbean, are widely used in residential and commercial buildings, most of which are used in hotels. These products include: impact sliding doors, impact awning windows, impact horizontal sliding windows, impact bifold doors, impact french doors, impact storefront doors, impact fixed windows.
We have been serving the hurricane-resistant door and window market for more than 5 years. We have served more than 500 customers, some of them are builders, some are construction companies, and some are house owners. We have received a lot of good feedback that our impact resistant doors and windows are of great quality, inexpensive and have all the local certification reports (FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVALS / MIAMI DADE COUNTY NOA’S) for impact window and door products.

Florida Product Approvals
Casement Window | FL41884 |
Horizontal Sliding Glass Window | FL30923 |
Window Wall | FL29474.1 |
Window Wall | FL29474.2 |
Fixed Window | FL40279 |
Awning Window | FL30922 |
Awning Window | FL41883 |
Single Hung Window | FL46774 |
Outswing French Door | FL41525 |
Sliding Glass Door | FL41360 |
Outswing Glass Door | FL29092 |
Sliding Glass Door | FL30906 |
Bi-fold Door | FL32506 |
https://floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_lst.aspx |
Miami Dade County NOA'S
Awning Window | 22-0125.01 |
Casement Window | 22-0125.02 |
Sliding Door | 23-0119.02 |
https://www.miamidade.gov/building/pc-search_app.asp |